Take a tour
All communities
Use the “All Communities” tab to explore all the topics and themes on Newsmast. These are grouped into themed sections, making it easy to explore different communities.
![All communities](https://www.newsmastfoundation.org/app/uploads/2023/06/tour_1.png)
My communities
The "My Communities" tab makes it easy to reach all the communities you are following, check what is going on and post your thoughts.
It is simple to join or leave communities, using the Edit Communities button.
![My communities](https://www.newsmastfoundation.org/app/uploads/2023/06/tour_2.png)
Post to communities
Empowers you to share your thoughts, updates, comments, and much more within the various communities on the platform and throughout the fediverse.
When you are in a community, your posts automatically go to everyone in that community, your followers and we automatically re-post them to all the major servers in the Mastodon federation and add popular hashtags to expand your posts reach. You can also choose to post in multiple communities or to a different audience if you want to.
![Post to communities](https://www.newsmastfoundation.org/app/uploads/2023/06/tour_3.png)
Primary community
The primary community, distinguished by an orange star symbol, represents your main community and the topic of interest that you are actively following. This is where your posts will automatically be posted to unless you actively select a different community to post to.
![Primary community](https://www.newsmastfoundation.org/app/uploads/2023/06/tour_4.png)
Edit communities
You can easily edit your communities, so you can quickly get to the content you want to see.
![Edit communities](https://www.newsmastfoundation.org/app/uploads/2023/06/tour_5.png)
Community timelines
Communities are split into two timelines, “For You” already has all the content from hand picked key contributors, “All” has everything from across the community. Feel free to tailor your “For You” timeline using filters, follows, and muting!
![Community timelines](https://www.newsmastfoundation.org/app/uploads/2023/10/community-timelines.jpg)
Search for People, Hashtags or Posts from across the fediverse.
Amplify timeline
Use the amplifier to highlight posts from Sources, Topics, Voices and Media you are interested in.
![Amplify timeline](https://www.newsmastfoundation.org/app/uploads/2023/06/tour_8.png)
Amplify my content
The amplifier helps others discover your posts by tagging the communities and perspectives you share, increasing the visibility and reach of your content.
![Amplify my content](https://www.newsmastfoundation.org/app/uploads/2023/06/tour_9.png)